
BIS’ robust analytics capability enables customer visibility through customisable reporting to drive improvement, mitigate risk and consolidate spend to reduce cost.

We have created a centralised data and analytics capability that generates customisable reports and data sets through a secure repository that allows a self-service data provision. Our systems collect a substantial amount of data which is reported down to a granularity to help you make informed decisions ie User, Item, Location, Value, Authorised by etc. This gives you transparency and visibility of your spend.

Our account management team conduct four main types of data analytics.  

Descriptive – Addresses basic questions of How many? When, where and what?

Predictive – Identify trends, correlation and causation

Prescriptive – AI and big data – what if, try this

Diagnostic – Examining data to understand cause  

Our aim is to Inspect from the past to understand seasonal trends, Project future demands and Select the most appropriate supply-chain option going forward.